No registration fee, free assessment interview. My Campus Expat understands your situation, so you know who you’re dealing with.

One-hour interviews punctuate our collaboration. Between sessions, we interact by e-mail, telephone or WhatsApp.

Flat-rate or à la carte: after your initial interview, the My Campus Expat team will propose the most suitable package for you.
Because everyone’s needs are unique, My Campus Expat has divided its offer into different services, to be as close as possible to your expectations. Our teams work with you to develop“my winning path“, so that you can find your own way and make your dreams come true.
Some examples of packages
Lycée or High School, IB, Bac, HSD, specialities, …?
My Campus Expat helps you choose the right high school course in France or abroad. Indeed, the French national education system’s baccalaureate is not the only alternative.
The team takes into account your profile, your plans for higher education and your career plans, so that you can make an informed choice. What’s more, we give you the keys to increasing your chances of admission to higher education, even in selective or highly selective courses.
>> from $750/€TTC
Choosing the right higher education course
We work with you to build your Personalized Higher Education Plan in line with your career plans. Our advisors will provide you with a precise list of universities, schools and diplomas that are suitable and accessible.
Finally, we’ll give you the ambition and the keys to increasing your chances of admission, even to selective courses!
>> $650/650€TTC
Register on application platforms(Parcoursup, UCAS, COMMON APP, etc.)
Once you’ve decided on your career path, our advisors will help you through the application process.
My Campus Expat also offers training and support in writing your CV, motivational training plan and cover letters, in French and English. The quality and content of these documents are decisive for your admission.
>> $1250/1250€TTC
Trouver sa voie – Bilan de Compétences
My Campus Expat can help you identify one or more relevant professions. By giving you perspectives, we help you build a career plan.
The aim is to trigger vocations or reinforce a pre-established choice. A personal advisor can help you broaden your horizons and avoid self-censorship.
>> 1200$/1200€TTC
To find out about your rates and the scope of your support, contact the My Campus Expat team